The principle focus of this report is to create a broad patent landscape around the software-defined virtualized networking intellectual property domain. The broad domain collection for this report was created by matching the phrases "network virtualization" AND ("software defined network" OR "software-defined network") anywhere in the title, abstract, description or claims of the patent documents available in Google’s BigQuery data warehouse in the patents.publications dataset. These phrases are queried in a logical fashion such that the matching of these phrases in any of the specified sections, will include that patent document in the domain collection. The patent documents query was executed on a worldwide basis across all US and international patent documents contained in Google’s dataset.
The principle focus of this report is to create a somewhat focused patent landscape around the pulse oximetry intellectual property domain. The domain collection for this report was created by matching the phrase "pulse oximetry" in the title, abstract, or claims (but not in the description section) of the patent documents available in Google’s BigQuery data warehouse in the patents.publications dataset. Matching this phrase in any of the specified sections will include that patent document in the domain collection. Limiting the query to the title, abstract, and claims, and not also searching the description section, is intended to narrow the search to better identify patent documents with inventions that focused on pulse oximetry technology, and not include documents that mention that phrase simply as part of some background or overview explanation included in the patent document description section. The patent documents query was executed on a worldwide basis across all US and international patent documents contained in Google’s dataset.
This is a similarity density scatter plot landscape derived from the Ver01 Pulse Oximetry analytics landscape and graphically shows the relative similarity of the patent documents in the domain collection and the pulse oximetry intellectual property market segment.
The principle focus of this report is to create a broad patent landscape around the remote medical and patient monitoring intellectual property domain. The broad domain collection for this report was created by matching the phrases "remote patient monitor", "remote health monitor", or "remote medical monitor" in the title, abstract, description or claims of the patent documents available in Google’s BigQuery data warehouse in the patents.publications dataset. These phrases are queried in an “OR-ed” fashion such that the matching of any of these phrases, in any of the specified sections, will include that patent document in the domain collection. The patent documents query was executed on a worldwide basis across all US and international patent documents contained in Google’s dataset.
This is an interactive HTML patent landscape report focused on the fundamental patent documents of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology. This landscape was executed using the PatSnap Connected Innovation Intelligence platform and utilized the 28 patent documents named in the February 28th, 2022, Interference decision of the USPTO Patent Trials and Appeals Board (PTAB). These 28 patent documents were used as the basis for semantic queries resulting in a total landscape domain collection of 3,455 patent documents consisting of 859 simple patent families. The patent document landscaping analysis was performed on this domain collection. For more information see the following link.
The principle focus of this report is to create a broad patent landscape around the wearable medical and wearable healthcare intellectual property domain. The broad domain collection for this report was created by simply matching the phrase “wearable health” or "wearable medical" in the title, abstract, description or claims of the patent documents available in Google’s BigQuery data warehouse in the patents.publications dataset. Either “wearable health" or "wearable medical" must be found in a document section in order to be included in the domain collection. The patent documents query was executed on a worldwide basis across all US and international patent documents contained in Google’s dataset.
The principle focus of this report is to create a slightly narrowed patent analytics landscape around the wearable medical and wearable healthcare technology domain. The domain collection for this report was created using the keyword phrases "wearable medical" OR "wearable health" as the boolean query into Google’s BigQuery ‘patents.publications’ dataset. Patent documents included in the domain collection are those that match the boolean query in either the document title, abstract, or claims, but NOT in the description section. This patent landscape analytics report is slightly narrower than the initial version of this report that was published on my Medium media channel or on my Moeller Ventures website. These other reports matched these exact keyword phrases across the titles, abstracts, claims, and also the patent document descriptions.
This is the similarity density scatter plot landscape derived from the Ver02 Wearable Medical and Wearable Healthcare patent document domain collection. This dashboard is designed to accompany the Alpha Data IQ patent landscape analytics report that covers the same domain collection.